The Doughnut King



The Doughnut King is the book that I chose to read for the Exhilarating Reading Adventure Project. In this project we had to make an artifact, there were a lot of different options but I chose to do the… board game!!! I decided to choose the board game because I thought I would have the most fun making it, and I also thought that I would be able to play it with my family and friends.



“The Doughnut Chase”, a version of Monopoly, the rules, you start on that player’s start spot, the bead is Zoe, The spaceship is Kevin, the seashell is Keya, the bottle cap is Jeanine, the big die is Josh, and the bottle cap is Tris. At the beginning of the game, each player goes to their start.


Money & Dice


 The amount of money they start with is 1five hundreds, 3 one hundreds, 5 fifties, 10 twentys, and 5 tens. To start off your turn, you roll the 8 sided die. The number that you rolled is how many spaces you move forward.


Chance Cards


 If you land on a ?, you take a chance card, from that chance card, you will either gain money, lose money, go back spaces, or go forward spaces, almost every card has something to do with the story, if it is a good thing, you will either gain money or go forward, however, if it is something bad, you will either lose money or go back spaces.




 Next, we will learn about the properties, when you land on a property, you check if it is owned, if it is, you have to pay the owner of that property a certain amount of money, if it is not owned, you can either buy it, or leave it. If you own a property but you are running low on money, you can mortgage it, this means that you can sell it to the bank for about ⅔ of what you bought it for.


Turn Order


The turn order is Tris, Josh, Jeanine, Zoe, Kevin, and finally Keya. This is in the order of when they are introduced.




When you land on the jail space your next turn gets skipped.


How You Win


When someone runs out of money they are out. Then the rest of the players continue, whoever is the last one with money wins.


How I incorporated the book into the game


I incorporated the book into the game by making the properties buildings that are in the book, like The Donut Stop, or El Marachi. All the chance cards were based off of events that happened in the story, and the name of the game “The Doughnut Chase”, based off of the name of the book The Doughnut King.




If I were to do this project again, I would probably work on the blog and board at the same time instead of finishing the board and cards and then make the blog post because I feel like I could have saved a lot of time.


Rapping Up


All in all, I think I enjoyed this project a lot, creating the board game was a great experience and I think I will enjoy playing it in the future.




Pompei Résumé


Chapitre 1


Il y a une ville à côté d’un volcan et dans ce ville il y a des esclaves. Le village appelé Pompei.


Chapitre 2


Le volcan explose et le volcan inonde la ville. Les gens s’enfuient vers l’océan et partent en bateau vers une autre ville. Les personnes qui ne pouvaient pas ramer ont été tuées par le volcan. Un enfant qui s’appelle Pline.


Chapitre 3


Pline grandit et devient écrivain. Il raconte l’histoire du volcan qui a enseveli Pompéi. Les gens trouvent beaucoup de richesses dans le vieux village de Pompéi. Ils ont également trouvé un squelette de chien qui avait été enchaîné et mort d’un volcan. Maintenant, la ville de Pompéi est un musée.


La Fin


In 2057 I think the world will be a lot different.


Things that I think will be different:







Global warming



Why I think they would be different:


I think each of these things will be different because these are things that change overtime, Like cars, there are constantly new types of cars coming out. And for Global warming, I think it will continue to go up.


Thing that I think would be the same or close too the same:







I think these would be the same because these were all close to the same ten years ago. Like trees and flowers don’t really change. And I think weapons are deadly enough right now.

Thank you for reading this blog post.

Natural disasters in Brazil

For the Natural disasters presentation the country I chose Brazil because it is a somewhat poor country and it’s next to the ocean where there are usually tsunamis and hurricanes.


The structures in Brazil are used to rain so I think they have to have a good roof. Also, about once every 30 – 50 years there is a tsunami there And sometimes there are hurricanes.


The houses in brazil are usually built with straw and timber which can keep out rain but don’t do much good against hurricanes or tsunamis.
Brazilian Houses: 9 Examples of Residential Vernacular Architecture | ArchDaily