Eliezer Resume Au bal costume

Les personnages: Mélanie la chipie, Rachid le timide, Arthur le gros dur, Pascale la géniale, Pacha le chat.


Le livre commence et Mélanie, Pascale, Arthur, et Rachid se promènent dans la ville, quand Pascale voit une affiche qui dit qu’ il y a un bal costumé, ce soir. Ils décident d’y aller. Soudain, Pascale à une idée. Son idée est de faire un fort et de faire un trou dans les tours et de s’y tenir. ils construisent le château et commencent à s’y promener. Mais le château tombe. Tout le monde aide à le reconstituer. Après un certain temps, il est réparé. Mais, ou est Gafi? Gafi se retourne mais il ne voit pas les enfants. Cependant, il finit par les trouver. Maintenant, ils sont tous dans le château.


La Fin

If Pets Had Phones


If pets had phones the world would be a lot different, but what would be on their phones? 

Here is my answer…


Apps: I think there would be apps like ones that we have, but with different names, like instead of Messages, it would be Petssages, and instead of Snapchat, it would be Catchat.


Maps: I think their maps would be all the spots in neighborhoods that animals would enjoy, maybe the best fishing spots, or the best pet store. 


Music: I think that cats would listen to “fishy on me” a lot and dogs would listen to “Who let the dogs out”.


Shows: I think they would have a show called Try not to laugh and it would just be funny moments of people failing again and again and again.


TikToks: I think that the animal TikToks would be a lot different than human TikToks because animals probably find other things enjoyable.


Online Meetings: I think the online meetings that pets had would be the same but the backgrounds would be changed a bit.


Passwords: Something tells me that they would not use letters or numbers as passwords to their phones, I think it would be their voice and then the phone would turn on.


Stocks: If animals had stocks it would probably work the same way as human stocks.


Video Games: I think that animals would actually play video games with humans but with nicknames so that humans could not tell.


Camera Effects: I think that the camera effects would have things that animals like in the background, like laser pointers, bones, and water.


That concludes my creative writing.