2 Digit By 2 Digit

Hi my name is Lazer and I am here to teach you about 2 Digit By 2 Digit Math.


































As you can see I have done some examples of how to do 2 Digit By 2 Digit Multiplication. So the first step is to multiply the 1’s digit by the other 1’s digit. Then you put the one digit answer under the line and the 10’s digit (if there is) put that to add on to the 1’s digit by the 10s digit. Then you add the tens from the one by one. Next, on the next line, add a zero. Then times the 10’s digit by the 1’s digit. After that, times the 10’s digit by the 1’s digit. If, for any of them they go past ten, then add the number to the next one. Finally add the two numbers together and you have the answer.

Thank you for reading.

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